UDO, Anathema, Valley's Eve, Deviser, Innerwish, Sorrowful Angels
Paradise Lost, Real Fiction, Roundabout, Dead June, Soundtrap, After the Rot
Anathema, Rotting Christ, Pilgrim, Soundgeist, Playground, Everfailed
Wasp, Orange Goblin, Spitfire, Eastern Front, Demaximam, Drunkstards, The Last Drive, Poem, Universe 217, Planet of Zeus, Roundabout
Rotting Christ, Nightstalker, Anorimoi, Industry of Nightmares, Play Grounded, Timeriver, Dirty Harry Guitar
Grave Digger, Lucky Funeral, Winter Crescent, Menace, Obzerv
Planet of Zeus, Crucified Barbara, Master Reset, Everfailed, Weird Totem, Skandal
Destruction, Blaze Bayley, Battleroar, Chronoshpere, Forsaken Memoriam, Coretheband, Γιάννης Αγγελάκας, GO, Sober, Ψαραντώνης, Villagers Of Ioannina City, Μαρσύας
Soulfly, D-A-D, Bonfire, Bang Out, Sabaton, Gus G, Flotsam and Jetsam, Rublood, Warrel Dane, Doomocracy, Coretheband, Wotan, Skandal, 1000Dead
Therapy?, Rotting Christ, Cutting Crew, Praying Mantis, Diviner, Kreator, Tyketto, Mystic Prophecy, Crazy Lixx, Exarsis
Blind Guardian, Septic Flesh, Sailing to Nowhere, SLTheory, Upon Revival, Warlord, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons, Innerwish, Eversin, Hemingways
Dirkschneider, Septic Flesh, Moonspell, H.E.A.T. Rock 'n' Roll Children, Looking for Medusa, Asphodelia, Gravestone, Αδαείς, Perfect Mess
Tarja Turunen, Uli Jon Roth, Sinheresy, Doomocracy, Decipher, Demons & Wizards, Rotting Christ, Holocaust, Carthagods, Diamond Signs
Nightstalker, Naxatras, Thrax Punks, Drive Blind, The Motiff
Μωρά στη Φωτιά, Thrax Punks, Honeybadger, Planet None
Paradise Lost, Geoff Tate, Sakis Tolis, Prince of Lilies, Passengers in Panic, Παυλος Παυλίδης, Κίτρινα Ποδήλατα, Gemma, Hemingways, Marios Politis and the Storytellers
The Sisters of Mercy, 1000Mods, Blaze Bayley, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons, Γιάννης Αγγελάκας, Frenzee, Skandal and the Bad Men, Bad Habits, Tidal Shock
Blind Guardian, Exodus, Lunarsea, Scarflood, Stygian Path, Μωρά στη Φωτιά, Magic De Spell, Μάνος Τρύπιας, Εναλλασσόμενη Τάση, Villagers of Ioannina City, Khirki, Planet None, Druid